by Site Admin | Confidence, Tweet Image
We’re all going to have times in our lives when we have to deal with bad situations, such as death, job loss, the end of a relationship, and failures or perceived failures. How we experience these bad situations largely comes down to how we perceive them; our attitude can make a major difference. Either we rise to the challenge and push forward to fight another day, or we sink down into the negativity and find that it takes us much longer to come out on the other side.
How do you handle a challenge? Tweet the image below and share your positive thinking with others!
by Site Admin | Abundance, Tweet Image
A lot of people work for one primary reason: to make money. But for some of us – especially those of us who go into business for ourselves – it’s about much more than that. We still want to make money, of course, but we also care very much about how we spend our time here on this earth. We want to feel we’re spending it doing something meaningful or important.
How do you want to spend your time? Tweet the image below and share!
by Site Admin | Abundance, Tweet Image
If you own your own business, it’s important to keep your eyes on the whole timeline – learn lessons from the past, make plans and goals for the future, and work hard in the present.
How are you keeping track of time in YOUR business? Tweet the image below and share a lesson from the past or a goal for the future.
by Site Admin | Tweet Image
If you’re around something or someone every day, it can be hard to see the changes that occur – anyone with a child, a pet, or a house plant knows this phenomenon. The same is true with your business – you’re so fully immersed in the day-to-day operations that it’s possible you don’t see the progress you’ve made, because you’ve achieved it little by little, day by day. That’s why it’s important to take regular time to review and celebrate how far you’ve come.
Tweet the image here and celebrate YOUR progress today!
by Site Admin | Leadership, Tweet Image
It doesn’t matter if you have 40 hours a week to work on your business, or 4. The most important thing is that you put your whole focus into the work that you do, in the time that you have. If you can discipline yourself to do this, you will see growth.