Who Is My Mentor?

Who Is My Mentor?

[featured-image single-newwindow=”false” id=”130809-Learning” alt=”mentor”]Image via Flickr by michaelcardus[/featured-image]

I have always been drawn to mentoring relationships.  As I look back over decades of learning, I find many instances of these types of relationships in my life.  In some cases I was the protege and in others I was the mentor.  Some relationships were formal while others just developed without any specific purpose or plan. As I participated in one of those kinds of relationships this weekend, I began to think about what constitutes a good mentoring relationship and why mentoring can be a very effective learning vehicle.


Leverage the strengths of your members to help new leaders

Leverage the strengths of your members to help new leaders

I have long been attracted to the mentoring process. I have enjoyed participating in both aspects of this type of relationship – as a mentor and as a protegee. And although I also enjoy the education process, mentoring is different (at least, if it is done well). Education is about giving someone answers or solutions, whereas mentoring is about helping someone discover their own answers.
