Inspire, Encourage, and Empower

You may have gotten a leadership role because of your past performance, but what matters now is what you do with that role. Being a good leader is about leading a team toward a common goal – what are you doing to grow the leadership skills of others in your organization or team?

Tweet the image below to share how use your leadership skills to inspire, encourage, and empower others.

The Flow of Power

Sometimes people in leadership positions let that go to their heads – it’s only natural to feel a boost in your own self-confidence when you are chosen for a special role, after all. However, there’s something you should always keep in mind if you want to be a good leader: while you are in a position of power, it is your responsibility to use that to empower those you lead. Let the power of your position be the source of inspiration to everyone involved, and not just a source of self-importance for you.

Tweet the image below to share how use your leadership skills to empower others.


How is the flow of power in your organization? If you feel it could be better, comment below.

Spending too much time putting out small fires?

Spending too much time putting out small fires?

As I become more focused on working with organizations amidst change, two issues are prevalent. First, almost every organization has problems (no surprise here). But more importantly, most are only addressing symptoms.

Whether you’re a business owner or a member of church organizations, non-profits or member associations, all ultimately have similar challenges.


Success Is Never on the Easy Path

When we admire others who have achieved success, it often appears that it came to them effortlessly; but this is rarely, if ever, the case. Unless you have been walking the path with them throughout the journey as a close friend or significant other, you probably are only seeing the last few steps of the journey. The bridges they have crossed and the trails they have blazed are often a critical but rarely discussed part of of their journey. Because success is neither easy nor certain, let alone both, it is reserved for those willing to make the extraordinary effort that is required. Click to Tweet the image below and share what extraordinary activity you are engaged in toward your own success.

Subtlety Works – Guide from the Side

There are occasions when we just want to be told what to do, but as adults those circumstances are rare. Even when we are in a new learning situation, we prefer to have someone walking the path with us. Not just seeing us in the distance, but right there with us, giving us guidance and corrections all along the way. Click to Tweet the image below and share your best insights as a “guide from the side.”