9 Reasons Platform University is Worth the Investment

9 Reasons Platform University is Worth the Investment

For nearly two years now I have been a member of Platform University (the business training membership site led by Michael Hyatt). It is one of the best investments I have made in my business.

True confession: as a life-long learner, I am a bit of a training junkie. But that does not make the investment any less valuable; in fact, the opposite is true. As a membership site, with new content presented in a variety of ways, member forums and special member bonuses, Platform University is significantly better than a lot of training programs. I am going to give nine reasons why joining Platform University has made great business sense in my life. If you can relate to just one of my reasons, you should consider joining, too (memberships will be opening soon).


5 Reasons to Host a Retreat

5 Reasons to Host a Retreat

I have just finished teaching at an annual weekend retreat and just like every year prior, it was awesome!

This retreat is special in a variety of ways. Even though I think mixing it up is a good idea, they bring me back every year. It is so much fun that my husband wants to go with me and takes time off of work to do so. Many of the attendees return year-after-year and if not every year, then whenever they can. It is the perfect example of why any small business with a reasonably sized following should host their own retreat.


Mentoring and Social Media – How it Works

Mentoring and Social Media – How it Works

As a soloprenuer it is easy to get caught up in the belief that you are on your own. And you are to some point, but there is also relatively easy access to a much bigger world through social media.

When you function as a business of one, it is easy to get caught up in your own beliefs, understanding and experiences. This is where finding and working with a mentor is important. As most people focus on how to use social media as a marketing tool, I want to discuss how to use social media to find a mentor.


Where Have You Been?

Where Have You Been?

The simple question, “Where have you been?” can have a surprisingly large number of meanings depending upon the context and the person asking the question. But regardless, it is a question that requires reflection and seeks information.

[featured-image single-newwindow=”false” id=”HopeFearAdv” alt=”Hope Fear Adventure Wildthing”]Photo Credit: WesleyGrim via Compfight cc[/featured-image] The question might be asked when you arrive late to an event. The question could also be asked upon returning from a trip. I have been known to ask my husband this question when it has become obvious that his mind has wandered away from our conversation. But it is also a question to yourself when planning for the upcoming year. (more…)

Does that Goal Make My Butt Look Big?

Does that Goal Make My Butt Look Big?

So often when we talk about goals they are big, long-term, life changing goals. But the reality is, to reach the big goal, you first have to successfully reach several smaller (but just as important) goals. By focusing only on the big goal, you actually increase your chances of failure.

Most goals are more like the age-old question: “How do you eat an elephant?  …..One bite at a time!” This is particularly true when trying to develop new habits or make behavioral changes. It is generally a process of lots of little steps that eventually take you down your chosen path. Breaking down a big goal into steps makes it easier to achieve that goal; but figuring out all those steps can be challenging.


The Secret to Successful Change: Team

The Secret to Successful Change: Team

When we strive for change, going it alone is almost always a means to guarantee failure. All types of change are difficult, but modifying habits and behaviors can be especially difficult. Establishing a mechanism for support becomes particularly important when you want to make changes in your life.

The “lone wolf” may sound cool, but wolves live as pack animals, supporting each other in their day to day living. The lone wolf is an outcast, constantly fighting for his basic survival. As you look to make purposeful changes in your life, approaching that process with a small accountability group will greatly improve your results.
