Do Something Amazing

Growing your business can be scary, but it is rare anything truly amazing happens by maintaining the status quo. Pushing ourselves can be difficult, but the rewards are worth the effort. Click to Tweet the image below and share your story of making amazing things happen!

Time to Move Out of the Comfort Zone

The saying, you won’t get different results by doing the same thing, is true. The reality is you have to move outside of your comfort zone to create any sort of significant change. Whether you are looking to grow your business, change a personal habit, or make a difference in the world, you must do something different than what you are already comfortable doing. Click to Tweet and share when you moved out of your comfort zone and had great results.

Facing Your Fear

Everyone has fears, but how we address them is really what makes the difference. Growth never happens when we continue to do what we have always done and function in our comfort zone. By facing our fears we learn that we have more ability, knowledge, strength, and other skills than we first believed. Click to Tweet the image below and share your win from facing your fears.

Courage to Continue

It is so easy to want to rest on our laurels when we have a win, but a win is only for the moment. And a failure often feels like it has been stamped on our forehead to be worn for eternity; but it, too, is only temporary. What truly matters is the ability to continue to move forward, because life, good or bad, never stands still. Click to Tweet the image below and share when having the courage to continue made a difference.

Everyone is Both Teacher and Student

If we are open to the possibility, there is always something to learn from all the people we meet in our daily lives. The trick is to be observant and watch for the opportunity – some of the best lessons come from unexpected sources. Click to Tweet the image below and share something you have learned in the past from someone you had just met.

Growth Comes from Learning

Growth is always a result of moving out of your comfort zone and learning something new or trying something different. The first step is willingness to accept the new knowledge that is shared, even when it is difficult to hear. Hard lessons are often create the most growth. Click to Tweet the image below and share what you’ve been taught.