by Gwen Bortner | Abundance
Travel in this day and age can be challenging, there is no doubt. But as with most things, attitude makes a whole lot of difference.
People often complain about having to travel, especially when much of their travel is associated with work. I average about 75,000 airline miles every year, so I could be one of those folks. But instead, let me share why I like traveling for work.
by Gwen Bortner | Abundance
I have spent this week experiencing abundance thinking: people generously sharing thoughts, ideas and knowledge in hopes of helping other people to achieve a similar level success.
[featured-image single-newwindow=”false” id=”130920-Camera.jpg” alt=”Kodak Brownie Camera”]Photo Credit: kevin dooley via Compfight cc[/featured-image]
I have long been a believer in abundance, but have only recently put a name to it for myself. That said, abundance thinking is not new; however it is solely lacking in this world. And as someone asked me this week, my lens is thinking abundantly about knowledge.
This past week I was at one of the three main events for Dynamic Communicators International, The Launch Conference. And I am so excited about the information they shared, how they shared it, but most importantly their overriding philosophy of abundance that I have also signed up for their next two events, SCORRE and Platform.
Their willingness to share so generously is why I have become their newest fan. Are these events free? Nope. Are they inexpensive? Nope. If anything, they would fall on the “investment” side of the financial scale. But being generous with your knowledge doesn’t mean you should give it away for free. In fact, doing so will often result in that knowledge losing its power.
People value what they pay for, work for, or earn. But so many people won’t share their knowledge, experience, ideas, successes and failures for fear someone else will copy them … and then surpass them. But abundance thinking is different. With abundance thinking, another person’s success isn’t a threat, it is something to be celebrated. One of the best definitions I have ever heard was on a recent podcast by Michael Hyatt, so I won’t repeat it all here (go listen to it … now)!
The truth is, the more you give from abundance, the more you actually receive in return. The more I share my knowledge, the more I learn. The more I am willing to give of myself, the more others are willing to give to me. Truly – it is like magic. But ultimately, that is why abundance thinking matters.
[reminder]What do you want more of? Try sharing what you have of whatever you named, and I bet more will come your way in a very short period of time. Or better yet – share your story of abundance in the comments below. I would love to be inspired![/reminder]