5 Marketing Techniques for People Who Can’t Market

5 Marketing Techniques for People Who Can’t Market

Marketing…you either love it or hate it. You are either good at it with natural instincts or you struggle with it, trying to learn as much as you can. Marketing is essential for solo-preneurs, no matter how well you do with it.

[featured-image single-newwindow=”false” id=”140123-Desert”]Photo Credit: ZedZap via Compfight cc[/featured-image]

I have friends that could sell ice to an Eskimo (I’m not sure why you would want to do that…but they could). I, on the other hand, have always felt like I couldn’t sell water to a man stranded in the desert. Marketing is not my natural gift; that being said, a number of very good marketers think I do a pretty good job. But the reason is simple: I have learned how to market. So am I the best person to learn from? Probably not. But if you are like me  and you struggle with marketing, then implementing these 5 simple marketing techniques will improve your skills as well.
