9 Reasons Platform University is Worth the Investment

9 Reasons Platform University is Worth the Investment

For nearly two years now I have been a member of Platform University (the business training membership site led by Michael Hyatt). It is one of the best investments I have made in my business.

True confession: as a life-long learner, I am a bit of a training junkie. But that does not make the investment any less valuable; in fact, the opposite is true. As a membership site, with new content presented in a variety of ways, member forums and special member bonuses, Platform University is significantly better than a lot of training programs. I am going to give nine reasons why joining Platform University has made great business sense in my life. If you can relate to just one of my reasons, you should consider joining, too (memberships will be opening soon).


9 Reasons Platform University is Worth the Investment

The Shocking Truth About Michael Hyatt

You hear stories, you read articles, you listen to a podcast or follow a blog and your continuing thought is, “there is no way this guy is that great!” One person can’t possibly be that intelligent, knowledgeable, generous, successful and friendly.

[featured-image single-newwindow=”false” id=”Michael-Gwen. jpg” alt=”Michael Hyatt and Gwen Bortner”]Photo by Kellie Nuss[/featured-image]

And then you have the opportunity to meet the “internet god” in person and one of two things happen:

  1. Your worst fears are confirmed and this person is all smoke and mirrors with no real substance and huge disappointment sets in.
  2. You are in awe, because they are everything you built them up to be and possibly more.

For Michael Hyatt the latter is true, and I want to share with you how I know this.
