by Gwen Bortner | Tasks & Goals
Sometimes we know things intuitively but we can’t understand them until someone else helps us make sense of them.
For years now, from time to time, things in my world will go exceedingly well (both personally and/or professionally) and I am never quite sure what I did “right”. That was until I was asked to watch this TED Talk in preparation for a board meeting.
by Gwen Bortner | Tips & Tricks
It happens to all of us: we are at an event where a meal is being served, and the round tables are stuffed with utensils, glasses, plates and tableware. If you aren’t careful you can end up taking someone else’s napkin or eating your neighbor’s bread.
The real problem in this scenario is that most often in these situations we are with people we want to impress (or at least not insult). And even if we learned the basics at home, at a crowded table there are too many options, and everything is so close it is hard to distinguish one person’s place setting from another. But I have a couple of easy tricks to minimize banquet embarrassments.