Making Space for Something New
Whenever we look to add something new into our world (specifically if it takes time), we have to decide what it is we are going to stop doing. So long as we stay on the planet, time is the one resource that that we all receive in equal amounts. How we utilize our time is where the distinction takes place.
[featured-image single-newwindow=”false” id=”131123-SpinningGlobe” alt=”Time Spins By”]Photo Credit: Rich900 via Compfight cc[/featured-image]
Everybody is very busy these days; it is the nature of our lives. The truth is, everyone has been busy for many decades and many centuries. In the past, our time was just filled with doing different sorts of activities versus what fills our time now. We make different choices today about what fills our time than people made 100 years ago. Instant access, easy travel and over-night delivery makes it seem like we do more (and maybe we do get more accomplished), but it is still based on the same amount of time.