by Site Admin | Leadership, Tweet Image
You may have gotten a leadership role because of your past performance, but what matters now is what you do with that role. Being a good leader is about leading a team toward a common goal – what are you doing to grow the leadership skills of others in your organization or team?
Tweet the image below to share how use your leadership skills to inspire, encourage, and empower others.
by Site Admin | Leadership, Tweet Image
Sometimes people in leadership positions let that go to their heads – it’s only natural to feel a boost in your own self-confidence when you are chosen for a special role, after all. However, there’s something you should always keep in mind if you want to be a good leader: while you are in a position of power, it is your responsibility to use that to empower those you lead. Let the power of your position be the source of inspiration to everyone involved, and not just a source of self-importance for you.
Tweet the image below to share how use your leadership skills to empower others.
How is the flow of power in your organization? If you feel it could be better, comment below.
by Site Admin | Abundance, Tweet Image
When we feel that something is scarce (time, money, or other resources especially), we start to behave differently toward that thing. Maybe we hoard it, or we end up wasting it because we’re so worried about how little there is, or we never take the time to enjoy what we have or live in the moment. All of this negativity brings us down. So what if, instead, we took an attitude of abundance? What if we expected the best from life instead of expecting the worst? How would our lives improve?
Tweet the image below to share how you plan to adopt an attitude of abundance in your life.
by Site Admin | Confidence, Tweet Image
When the various aspects of your life are harmonious, things seem to go more easily for you. Likewise, if something in your life falls out of step, everything else feels just slightly off. How can you make sure that in all things you strive for harmony, and to be the same and best version of yourself everywhere you go?
Tweet the image below and share with your followers how you strive to be authentic and harmonious in your life.
by Site Admin | Confidence, Tweet Image
The basic idea of karma is that what you put out into the world, you receive back in turn. A similar concept is that whatever you’re looking for, that’s what you’re going to find. How many times have you gone into a situation expecting the worst, and you find that the situation meets your expectations? What would happen if you went into a situation expecting a positive outcome (or at least, lowering your expectations in general)?
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