10 Great Links for Increasing Productivity

10 Great Links for Increasing Productivity

Solopreneurs are constantly on the lookout for new gadgets and applications to help manage time, reach goals, track projects and complete tasks.

Unfortunately, the one-size-fits-all solution just does not exist. All of these answers must have an element that taps into the way we work and think. A great phone app is not useful unless you spend the majority of your time on your phone. An electronic solution is not helpful if you find pen and paper more comforting. And of course, not all solutions will work for every situation. One size will sort of work for most people. But multiple sizes will provide a much better fit for more people.


6 Simple Steps for Task Management

6 Simple Steps for Task Management

Most folks are so busy these days that managing tasks has become a critical life skill. So much more so for those of us solopreneurs juggling business, family and other social obligations.

[featured-image single-newwindow=”false” id=”140120-Juggling” alt=”Juggling”]Photo Credit: Mathieu Péborde via Compfight cc[/featured-image]

Making task management work for me has long been one of the skills I believe that has led to my success in many areas. These 6 task management tips, when used consistently will greatly improve your results day in and day out.


Does that Goal Make My Butt Look Big?

Does that Goal Make My Butt Look Big?

So often when we talk about goals they are big, long-term, life changing goals. But the reality is, to reach the big goal, you first have to successfully reach several smaller (but just as important) goals. By focusing only on the big goal, you actually increase your chances of failure.

Most goals are more like the age-old question: “How do you eat an elephant?  …..One bite at a time!” This is particularly true when trying to develop new habits or make behavioral changes. It is generally a process of lots of little steps that eventually take you down your chosen path. Breaking down a big goal into steps makes it easier to achieve that goal; but figuring out all those steps can be challenging.
