Give yourself a “Scooby Snack” and get on that stage!

Give yourself a “Scooby Snack” and get on that stage!

When I was a kid, one of my very favorite cartoons was Scooby Doo. A giant dog that is scared of everything … pretty funny. Interestingly, now I have a Scooby Doo of my own. She too is a Great Dane, afraid of everything, but very good-hearted.

I learned some great lessons about overcoming stage fright from Scooby Doo (not so true with my own dog). These days I rarely experience stage fright. I can’t be sure it was from the lessons on overcoming stage fright I learned early in my life from Scooby Doo, but regardless I think they still apply.


3 Lessons Speakers Can Learn from Theater

3 Lessons Speakers Can Learn from Theater

[featured-image single-newwindow=”false” id=”130801-Theater” alt=”Auditorium”]Image via Flickr by Bahman Farzad[/featured-image]

Let me start by saying that I have never been in a play or been part of a theater production; however, I have a lot of theater friends and have attended theater performances from local community theater to Broadway productions. So although I haven’t been on stage, I have learned a great deal from being in the audience, listening to the actors debrief and just being generally observant. What I have come to realize is that speaking and acting have a great number of commonalities, and a good speaker can learn a a few lessons in speaking from their actor cousins.
