The Magic of Having Enough
If I asked you if you had enough, what would you say? Your question back to me would probably be – enough of what? If I said bills, obligations or meetings at work your response would probably be “Yes — I have more than enough.” But if instead I listed, money, time or vacation days, most would answer with an emphatic “No!”
[featured-image single-newwindow=”false” id=”MoneyVsTime.jpg” alt=”MOney and Time”]Photo Credit: Bill David Brooks via Compfight cc[/featured-image]
The problem with the question (and the answer) is that enough is a subjective measurement. What may seem like more than enough for one person may not be anywhere close to enough for another. What was enough for you today may not be enough for you tomorrow. Enough is a moving target. And ultimately, this is both the good news and the bad news.